dimecres, 17 de maig del 2017

Tuesday and Wednesday

Estudiants a Scala College per un dia! El dimarts vam ser uns afortunats i sí, vam poder fer tres classes dins el programa bilingüe de l'institut holandès.

La classe d'art amb la Miss Peters consistia en dissenyar una tessel·la per fer mosaics inspirant-se en les tessel·les d'Escher. Hi ha hagut resultats molt creatius i originals. La Ms Olieman va pensar la classe de PE en quatre espais perquè els alumnes practiquessin esports diferents; rocòdrom, hockey, bàdminton i futbol. I la classe d'EIO estava basada en el treball conjunt entre partners de manera que poguessin comparar el sistema educatiu català i l'holandès en molts dels seus aspectes.

Avui dimecres ens hem llevat d'hora per anar a Amsterdam. A les 10h hem entrat al Museu Van Gogh i l'hem gaudit al màxim. Hem pogut contemplar una de les majors obres d'art com és el Sunflowers, The Potato Eaters, entre d'altres. Hem après molt sobre la vida i obra d'aquest geni.

Després, hem fet una ruta fotogràfica per la capital holandesa i el punt de trobada era al voltant de la Dam. Hem estat gaudint de la majestuosa catedral, el palau reial, hem estat caminant vora els canals i les cases emblemàtiques d'Amsterdam. També hem esgarrapat una estona de temps lliure per fer alguna compra.

Students at Scala College for a day! On Tuesday we were very lucky and could attend three classes withing the bilingual program of the Dutch school.

The Art session from Miss Peters consisted in designing a tessellation in order to make mosaics inspired by Escher's tessellations. Results have been very creative and authentic. Ms Olieman thought her PE session in 4 areas so that students could practice four different sports; Climbing, hockey, badminton and football. And the EIO session was based on working together withing partners so that they could compare both educational systems in Catalonia and The Netherlands regarding its most relevant aspects.

On Wednesday we woke up very early to go to Amsterdam. At 10am we went into Van Gogh Museum and enjoyed it so much. We could observe some of his masterpieces such as The Sunflowers, The Potato Eaters, among others. We learnt so much about the life and work of such a genius.

Later on, we did a photo tour around the Dutch capital city and the meeting point was the Dam. We have been enjoying the majestic cathedral, the royal palace, we have been walking by the canals and the typical houses in Amsterdam. We have taken advantage of some free time in order to do some shopping.

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