dimarts, 16 de maig del 2017


I avui dilluns hem encetat la setmana pedalant. A Holanda els estudiants i molts professors arriben amb bicicleta a l'institut. Així que els alumnes catalans hem après a frenar amb els pedals; i hi ha hagut alguna caiguda, també.

La Mrs Stolk feia classe de llengua anglesa de 9.10 a 10 a l'aula 22 i hem treballat un haikú, hem escrit un poema sobre els nostres amics holandesos. Era l'aniversari de l'Aina i no ha faltat el Happy Birthday to you! La classe de biologia a l'aula 6 era de 10 a 10.50 i la Mrs Meerkerk ens esperava amb una taula plena de flors. Hem conegut la cua de guilla, la llavor de colza, entre d'altres. Tot seguit, hem anat al camp de golf on ens esperava el monitor i la Mrs Hoekstra que és una jugadora de golf i mare de la Nynke; una noia que participa a l'intercanvi.

En resum, el dia ha sigut fantàstic i hem gaudit d'un temps excepcional!

And today Monday we began the week pedalling. In Holland students and most teachers get to school by bike. Therefore, the Catalan students have learnt how to break using the pedals; with some falling, too.

Mrs Stolk was teaching English from 9.10 until 10 in room 22 and we worked haikus, we wrote a poem about our Dutch friends. It was Aina's birthday and the "Happy Birthday to you" was a must! The Biology lesson in room 6 was from 10 until 10.50 and Mrs Meerkerk was waiting for us with her desk full of flowers. We studied the meadow foxtail, buttercup, among others. Then, we went to the golf course where the monitor and Mrs Hoekstra, who's a golf player and a host mom, were waiting for us. We learnt how to swing, put, and so on.

Summing up, the day has been wonderful and we have enjoyed a fabulous sunny weather!

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